
New Zealands Favourite TV Guide
Wednesday Feb 19

Program Reminders

will email you when your favourite programs are coming up.

Register your email address then select one or more programs from the list below and/or enter a search pattern of keywords then Save Your Reminders. In the wee hours of the morning Program Reminders scans todays and tomorrows listings and if your program name or a program with your keywords in its title is found, an email will be sent to your email address listing the matched programs with channels and start times.

To register for reminders or load your saved reminders, enter your email address and press 'Click here to register or fetch your email'

Enter search keywords into the textbox below.
Enter full progam names or words that will appear in a program title.
Ensure your search entries are seperated by commas. (Important!)

 Receive email every day even if no program matches found.
Here is an example email that you would have received this morning for the examples shown above if they are on today or tomorrow.
Example Subject Line...
Your Program Reminder with 68 matches
Example Email Body...
Your FreeTVguide Program Reminders
Your Keyword Reminders
fair go, house, discount, movie, rugby, millionaire
The Matched Programs
Date Time Channel Program
Today Wed 19th 12:05am HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 5:30am HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 6:50am HGTV Cheap Old Houses
Today Wed 19th 7:15am HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 7:40am HGTV House Hunters
Today Wed 19th 8:05am HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 8:30am HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 8:55am HGTV House Hunters
Today Wed 19th 9:00am Sky Open New Zealand Rugby Pod
Today Wed 19th 10:00am SkyOpen +1 New Zealand Rugby Pod
Today Wed 19th 10:30am Three House Hunters International. s173 e8
Today Wed 19th 11:30am ThreePlus1 House Hunters International. s173 e8
Today Wed 19th 11:40am Bravo The Real Housewives of Orange County
Today Wed 19th 12:40pm Bravo PLUS 1 The Real Housewives of Orange County
Today Wed 19th 1:30pm HGTV House Hunters
Today Wed 19th 1:55pm HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 2:00pm TVNZ 1 Rich House, Poor House
Today Wed 19th 2:00pm Three The Real Housewives of NYC
Today Wed 19th 2:20pm HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 2:45pm HGTV House Hunters
Today Wed 19th 3:00pm TVNZ 1 plus 1 Rich House, Poor House
Today Wed 19th 3:00pm ThreePlus1 The Real Housewives of NYC
Today Wed 19th 3:10pm HGTV Cheap Old Houses
Today Wed 19th 3:35pm HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 4:30pm Three House Crashers
Today Wed 19th 5:30pm ThreePlus1 House Crashers
Today Wed 19th 7:30pm RUSH Building Off the Grid: Tiny House on a Lake
Today Wed 19th 7:30pm RNZ National At the Movies
Today Wed 19th 7:55pm HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 10:40pm Three The Real Housewives of NYC
Today Wed 19th 11:15pm HGTV House Hunters International
Today Wed 19th 11:40pm ThreePlus1 The Real Housewives of NYC
Today Wed 19th 11:40pm HGTV Cheap Old Houses
Tomorrow Thu 20th 12:05am HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 1:10am RUSH Building Off the Grid: Tiny House on a Lake
Tomorrow Thu 20th 5:30am HGTV House Hunters International
Tomorrow Thu 20th 6:00am RUSH Building Off the Grid: Tiny House on a Lake
Tomorrow Thu 20th 6:50am HGTV Cheap Old Houses
Tomorrow Thu 20th 7:15am HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 8:05am HGTV House Hunters International
Tomorrow Thu 20th 8:30am HGTV House Hunters International
Tomorrow Thu 20th 8:55am HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 9:45am HGTV House Hunters: All-Stars
Tomorrow Thu 20th 10:30am Three House Hunters International. s173 e9
Tomorrow Thu 20th 11:30am ThreePlus1 House Hunters International. s173 e9
Tomorrow Thu 20th 11:40am Bravo The Real Housewives of Orange County
Tomorrow Thu 20th 12:30pm Hope Channel Life Changes Everything - Movie
Tomorrow Thu 20th 12:40pm Bravo PLUS 1 The Real Housewives of Orange County
Tomorrow Thu 20th 1:55pm HGTV House Hunters International
Tomorrow Thu 20th 2:00pm TVNZ 1 Rich House, Poor House
Tomorrow Thu 20th 2:20pm HGTV House Hunters International
Tomorrow Thu 20th 2:45pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 3:00pm TVNZ 1 plus 1 Rich House, Poor House
Tomorrow Thu 20th 3:10pm HGTV Cheap Old Houses
Tomorrow Thu 20th 3:35pm RUSH Building Off the Grid: Tiny House on a Lake
Tomorrow Thu 20th 3:35pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 4:30pm Three House Crashers
Tomorrow Thu 20th 5:30pm ThreePlus1 House Crashers
Tomorrow Thu 20th 6:05pm HGTV House Hunters: All-Stars
Tomorrow Thu 20th 7:30pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 7:55pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 8:20pm HGTV Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge
Tomorrow Thu 20th 9:35pm HGTV House Hunters: All-Stars
Tomorrow Thu 20th 9:45pm Bravo The Real Housewives of NYC
Tomorrow Thu 20th 10:45pm Bravo PLUS 1 The Real Housewives of NYC
Tomorrow Thu 20th 10:50pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 11:15pm HGTV House Hunters
Tomorrow Thu 20th 11:40pm HGTV Cheap Old Houses

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